Dr Tom Cresswell - Senior Environmental Scientist
Dr Tom Cresswell is an environmental research scientist with a passion for understanding how humans impact our environment. He studies how pollution interacts with living organisms in freshwaters
through coastal areas. Tom’s position at ANSTO allows him
to use nuclear techniques (radioisotope tracers) very precisely
study how quickly pollutants get into a living organism, where it
goes within the tissues and then how quickly they are removed
from the tissues if the source of pollution is removed or the
animal moves to cleaner waters. This helps us understand what
kind of effect the pollution will have on the organism so that we
can better manage our precious aquatic ecosystems. Tom is
currently working with the offshore petroleum industry to assist in providing a scientific basis for their decommissioning planning.
Dr Tom Cresswell provides scientific context and background to support the development of Jack the Super Prawn adventure stories.
Mr Rodney Fox - Member of the Order of Australia
The mission of the Fox Shark Research Foundation is 'to inspire the appreciation and understanding of great white sharks through research and education.' To create awareness, protect and preserve marine life. We can see that Jack the Super Prawn’s character and messages encapsulate some of our key messages and are pleased to endorse the products in the range and would encourage other organisations to get behind this great cause.
Mr Alex Wymarra - Chairman
Mr Alex Wymarra is the Chairman of the Treaty Council Worldwide and proudly endorses Jack the Super Prawn. Jack creates awareness of the impact of plastic and other kinds of pollution by engaging and empowering Indigenous and Non-Indigenous children to find a solution to pollution through Education. Jack loves and respects all living creatures and believes they need to be protected for future generations.